Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Kitchen?

I had a Mary Kay event last night so Court stayed home with Hayden. I got home around 10:00 and walked in my front door and saw this..............
That can't be good..............Then I turned and looked in my kitchen..........
What is he up to now? I went to our bedroom where I found him watching t.v. He told me that he had decided to change out the cabinets. He is just going to lacker a new finish on the existing frame and make new doors at work. My question to him.......why put in a nice new kitchen in a condo we are about to put up for rent in a few months? His answer......I got bored. He didn't say that out loud, but I know that is the reason. I truly love my husbands wonderful talent and how hard he works, but what the crap?!?! We have lived here four years and he has done so much work on this place and decides now to do the kitchen!?!? I am never going to get out of this condo. I don't know what he is going to do when he isn't with Classy Closets anymore. Oh, did I forget to mention something? HE GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!
(and yes I will post pictures of the final product when it is finished. hopefully next week.)


Our Little Corner said...

HOORAY for Courtney and his new employemnt.
I wish you lived closer so he could come and be bored at my house. :)

The Deans said...

What job? I feel like Skipper and I are always out of the loop. But I think it's great he got a new one!! Woohoo!!

Karen said...

Yeah, what job?

Mrs.Mayne said...

Don't feel bad Nia, I didn't know about a job either.

Anonymous said...

Me too, me too. What job?!?!? You know I'd be all over giving you crap about this, but since your own family members aren't even in the loop, well now I don't feel so bad.