Now that the election is over, we are fighting over gas? This reminds me of Zoolander where the friends were killed throwing gas at each other and later Derek says, "You too can be killed in a freak gasoline fight accident." Can't we all just get along?
But anyways... Matt deleted a post once. Lots of people were offended by what he said. At first I was too, and still have my reasons for being grateful that post no longer exists. But it's made me think long and hard about it... and I think it sucks that we can't be ourselves on our own blogs because mean people say mean things.
Hope you know I was joking.... you should know me well enough to know that.
We met in August 2002 and were married 2 years later. Court graduated from ASU in May, 2007 with a degree in Biochemistry and is working in the medical sales field. Sunny does a little bit of everything because she can't sit still for a second! Hayden is in 1st grade and is so smart and loves to learn. Hudson is 7 months and is crawling everywhere!! He is such a happy baby and loves his big brother.
Now that the election is over, we are fighting over gas? This reminds me of Zoolander where the friends were killed throwing gas at each other and later Derek says, "You too can be killed in a freak gasoline fight accident."
Can't we all just get along?
I was just merely pointing out a fact.
But anyways... Matt deleted a post once. Lots of people were offended by what he said. At first I was too, and still have my reasons for being grateful that post no longer exists. But it's made me think long and hard about it... and I think it sucks that we can't be ourselves on our own blogs because mean people say mean things.
Hope you know I was joking.... you should know me well enough to know that.
I guess I missed something?!
I am making my blog private, send me your e-mail address so I can invite you:)
so what was teh gas post, i want to know :o) i am stalking you now....
Lindsey (Phelps) Springfield
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