Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas Pictures

I just realized that I didn't put any pictures of my darling child on Christmas morning. I don't know how that happened!

Probably because that's the only present he got this year. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa. I had a bunch of stuff for him and somehow got to Utah with two books and a movie. I felt so guilty and even cried when I realized what a sad day it was. Then, I looked at him and saw how happy he was realized that he had no idea how much he "didn't get" and then remembered that presents aren't everything for Christmas. I think we all know the "real meaning" of Christmas so I won't go into that. I guess I'm lucky that he's to young to really understand. If only I could get away with this every year!! Still I felt bad which is why I think I am going way overboard for his birthday in two weeks. Still, Santa came to our house while we were gone and left this............

The table, not Daddy. Or the toys on the table.....again, thanks Grandma. She saw my lack of presents and felt bad for the little guy and went out and got him more. Not really, she had gotten him a game that we already had. When we got to the store to get a different one he really liked the little people so she got it for him instead of a game. He loves it!! And the table. He would play on it all day if I would let him.(sometimes I do)


Our Little Corner said...

Cute, cute. Why is there a license plate on the table?
Natalee said, "That looks so cool...I want to go there and see Arizona."