Shilo and Nat came for a visit while Nathan was on a "business trip" to Pennsylvania. We had oh so much fun. You'll have to check her blog(it's a few posts back cause I'm a slacker and am now just blogging about it) for pictures because I didn't get that many because I pretty much spent the whole time in bed. Yes that's right. I got a nasty flu thing and couldn't do anything that wasn't near a bathroom. Now, Shilo does this cute "Top Ten" where she highlights their favorite parts of the trip. She left out what I thought was of the most fun for the kids. How could you forget.............................THE PACKING PEANUTS!!!!! (I'm actually embarrassed to put that picture on here because now you all have seen my t.v. is sitting on a night stand. Court has built me a beautiful entertainment center that is sitting in Classy's shop. There was a problem with the paint order and it took longer than expected. Have I mentioned how talented my husband is? I will show you it when it gets here. I am hoping tomorrow)
I got a package of some crap that I bought and as I was unloading the boxes the peanuts were making a mess, as the do, and the kids went crazy!! The room was already a mess because there were toys everywhere, so we let them play with them. Oh the joy!!
Also, Natalee gave Hayden his first Webkinz.This is Peanuts. They were trying to name him and Shilo, being the comedian that she is, suggested he be named Peanuts. (he's allergic remember) He thought that was the funniest thing ever and the frog had a name. He has a bit of a lisp so he calls him "Peanuths" It's pretty cute.
Here they are setting up his account. He wasn't really into it a first, but he loves it now and has learned to use the mouse. We got "peanuts" a "back yard" and now Hayden won't put him back in the house. Lucky he's got a hammock out there or the poor thing would have to sleep on the ground!! I myself have become addicted to the games you play to earn money to buy things in "Webkinz World" Sharon and I have become a little out of control!!
Then one night I found Hayden and Peanuts in my bed. How Hayden fell asleep propped up that high, I have no idea!
All the other highlights are on Shilo's blog. These are the only pictures I have.
A big thanks to Shilo, Nat and Sharon for helping me with Hayden that week when I was so sick. I'm glad I live so close to Sharon so they had a place to go. They would have gone there anyway and then I never would have seen them. Shilo would come over a few times in the day and make me drink and eat soup. She's a great sister and I'm glad they could come.
Oh yeah, you left something. Actually a few things. The gift that Hayden gave Nat. That was rude. You also left some of my stuff at Sharon's. I was pretty impressed because usually you leave behind something you brought and when I didn't see anything I was so proud of you. Then after a few days, when I was walking out of your room I noticed these..................Silly girl!! Oh well, better luck next time!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Things Shilo Leaves Behind
Posted by Sunny & Court at 7:15 PM
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Ha! Mason and I are looking at your blog and he keeps saying hey it's Hayden! And uh-oh what happened (at the pic with the packing peanuts and mess!) Ha!
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