Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Fall!!

Court had to work today(not at the new job, the old one) so I took Hayden to the "pumpkin patch" and invited Court's parents to come along. We had a lot of fun despite the look on Hayden's face in most of the pictures. He isn't really into smiling for the camera these days. He tries, but the just don't seem to come out.
Picking out the perfect pumpkin for decorating
Decorating the pumpkin
Walking with Papa
On the hayride with Grandma and Papa(don't they look so happy)
He held Steve's hand like this the whole ride. It was so cute.
In the hay maze. He was so cute wandering around and was so proud of himself when he finished.
Visiting the animals
He loved the chickens the very best
The left is last year and the right is this year. My baby is growing so fast!!
Here is him trying to smile. I don't really get why he all of a sudden can't do it.
Playing in bed of hay
Sharing a snow cone with Papa
Then Grandma
It was a good day!!


Sharon said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Where exactly is this pumpkin patch. I should take Jessica and Sara there.

Our Little Corner said...

Cuteness! Court's parents rarely look happy. Maybe they just don't take good photos. I know that Steve doesn't. Most of your wedding photos he looks like he's ready to kill everyone. :)
Hayden is so cute. He's so big and growed up. I miss him. :(

The Deans said...

He really is getting big! That looks like so fun, and Hayden is in shorts! When does Courtney start his new job?