Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Pictures............and another trip to the hospital

Who's excited here? Hayden loved to wear his costume and do all the Halloween activities. We went to our ward party, Chick fil a's party, Bass Pro Shop's party that were spread out through the week of Halloween. Then, on Halloween there was a party at pre school and then the BIG NIGHT of trick-or-treating. Oh, what fun!!I don't know how trick-or-treating is in other parts of the U.S. but here in Arizona, most people sit on the porch's or driveways and hand out the candy. I remember growing up we had to go all the way to the door. It is so nice here right now that people take advantage of the weather and spend the evening outside. Just to show you how nice it was, I took this picture of this little girl to demonstrate the awesome weather we have here...................
Now looking at her, I felt bad thinking that Hayden must be dying in his costume. When he was done trick-or-treating we took of his hat and his hair was all wet and matted down. It was gross!! I didn't even think about it being hot when we bought the costume. I was just so excited that I had steered him away from the Elmo costume he was stuck on. Not that he wouldn't have been the cutest Elmo ever.....I just had something else in mind. Not so much a pumpkin, but it was better than Elmo!! We started the evening at Sharon's house and went to a few of her neighbor's houses. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood. What a party. Seriously, so many people and parties and fun!!! We kept running into Court's friends that he grew up with that had also brought their kids back to trick-or-treat also. Everyone's houses were decorated so cute and everyone was sitting out on their driveways. Some people had food set up, soups and cider and stuff. It was so fun. I told Grandpa to take him to a few houses, but oh no.......they went around the whole block. My poor baby was so tired but got so much candy!! A lot of went to Mom and Dad's pile also known as the "Peanut Pile" which brings me to my next story.
On Saturday we were "somewhere" and "someone" gave Hayden a Reese's "peanut butter" cup by accident.(thought he had asked me and forgot for a second of his peanut allergy) So, we spent the evening in the E.R. We actually had a good time once the scary-ness was out of the way. We had to stay for a couple of hours to be monitored. Papa Steve came over and played with him and the hospital gave him so many fun thing to play with. We have a children's hospital near our house and they are awesome. Go Banner Children's Hospital at Banner Desert!! Kind of a long name, but they added it onto an existing hospital. They have a separate E.R and everything.
Here he is eating his playdoh ice cream cone
He thought he could fit in the car. Court was working when I called him and I had him run home to get Hayden some clothes cause he had thrown up all over himself. A few times actually. Hayden thought it was cool that he and I had matching bracelets and wanted me to take a picture. Okay, so Sunday he wouldn't stop coughing. I went to work on Monday and Kim said that he pretty much coughed all day. Yesterday I took him to school and Ms. Courtney called me half way through telling me that he was throwing up. I called his Doctor and told them about our weekend and what had been going on since as we made our way to his office. They checked him out and sent us for a chest x-ray and then this..........................
Yay!!! My baby's asthma is in full swing!!! Could life be any better?? I'm so sad for him, but he is doing so well. He likes to hold the mask and doesn't even play with it or try to take it off. He holds it there for the 10 minutes every two hours. He is such a good boy. Speaking of which, it's time for another treatment!! We go back to the Dr. in the morning to talk some more. Can't wait!! (I hope you can all hear the sarcasm in my typing.....and to my sweet Aunt, this is not your fault and I love you and Hayden loves you and please don't feel bad. You did not do this)


Anonymous said...

Man. You had a sucky week. Hopefully he gets feeling better!

I was gonna say... Matt was complaining about how lame trick-or-treating is in Utah. Apparently in Iowa you literally have to stand on the doorstep and do a 'trick' or you don't get a 'treat'. So he's thinks it's ridiculous that kids get off the hook out here.

Jill said...

He is so adorable. Poor kid!

Our Little Corner said...

I'm glad I don't live in Iowa. To me that would be lame. :)
First of all, I was laughing at the Peanut Pile. There is so much candy containing peanut butter or peanut something. It's crazy.
Is Steve playing "Pull my finger" with Hayden in the one photo. Classy!
Also, did Aunt Sharon pull out her Grandma Camp earrings? Just teasing cuz I know she'll read this. They are cute, cute earrings!
Lastly, I've still not tried to kill your kid. I love him the best. THE BEST!

The Deans said...

I can't believe that! Poor Hayden! But he sure did look cute as a pumpkin!